Freedom from Slavery
Online Zoom Event
January 16 & 17, 2023
Freedom from Slavery
Trinidad and Tobago
February 6 – 8, 2023
Freedom from Slavery
Global Forum
Dominican Republic
May 7-10, 2023
The Freedom from Slavery Forum was established in 2013 to facilitate open dialogue, create partnerships, discuss promising practices, and develop a shared agenda among leaders of anti-slavery and anti-human trafficking organizations around the world.
The 2023 Global Forum comes at a time when modern slavery has increased around the world and the contributing factors are exacerbating the scale of the problem. According to global estimates, nearly 50 million people were living in modern slavery in 2021. Of these people, 22 million were in forced labor.
While these figures do not tell the whole story, they help us get a sense of the scale of the problem and call for us as a movement to respond with urgency.
The Freedom from Slavery Forums are a communal space wherein open and honest dialogue helps to backstop individual efforts through collective thinking and problem-solving.
Bukeni Waruzi, Executive Director – Free the Slaves