2024 European Regional Freedom from Slavery Forum

On June 10 – 12, 2024  the first Freedom from Slavery European Regional Forum was held. It was an essential platform where key stakeholders gathered to coordinate responses to modern slavery. Recent years have seen increasing progress at policy and program levels, with several countries stepping forward to become Pathfinder Countries under the Alliance 8.7 initiative and the EU enacting crucial legislation like the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) and the Forced Labor Regulation. Additionally, many non-EU countries are making strides in addressing forced labor, human trafficking, child labor, and modern slavery in general in their own countries.

However, the challenge remains in mobilizing and engaging diverse actors—including survivors, government bodies, civil society organizations, businesses, labor unions, and academia—to realize the full potential of these policies and create a sustainable impact. The Europe Forum was held specifically to delve into two major themes:

  • What approaches are countries taking to achieve SDG 8.7, including the actions of pathfinder countries?
  • What are we observing from the introduction of regulatory measures globally, such as the EU’s CSDDD and forced labor trade import bans?


June 10-12, 2024
Brussels, Belgium

Le Louise Hotel (Hotel Sofitel)

No 40, Avenue de la Toison d’Or


June 10, 2024

Opening Reception

Opening Remarks

      Bukeni Waruzi

      Bukeni Waruzi

      Execitive Director, Free the Slaves

      Malaika Oringo

      Malaika Oringo

      Founder and CEO, Footprint to Freedom

      Serge Mickoto

      Serge Mickoto

      Ambassador of Gabon

      Keynote Addresses

      Irene Wintermeyr

      Irene Wintermeyr

      International Labour Organization


      Irene Wintermayr joined the team of the ILO Office for the European Union and Benelux countries as a Policy Officer in 2011. She monitors and advices the office on EU policy and legislation relevant to the ILO including on employment and social policy, labour rights, forced labour and trafficking in human beings and has published on this issue. Prior to her employment with ILO, she worked in the Brussels office of the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, gained work experience with the German NGO Weltfriedensdienst and at ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability. She has also been involved in several development projects in Latin America and South Africa. Irene holds a MSc in Comparative Politics (Conflict Studies) from the London School of Economics and Political Science and a Master of Laws in International Law (Human Rights) from the University of London.

      Marcia Eugenio

      Marcia Eugenio

      U.S. Department of Labor


      Marcia Eugenio is the Director of the Office of Child Labor, Forced Labor, and Human Trafficking (OCFT) in the U.S. Department of Labor’s Bureau of International Labor Affairs (ILAB). Under Ms. Eugenio’s leadership, OCFT’s work has contributed to the worldwide reduction of child labor; provided millions of children with education and training and their families with viable livelihood and decent work opportunities; and increased the capacity of governments and other stakeholders to address child labor and forced labor. Under her direction, OCFT has also pioneered new approaches and tools to advance supply chain transparency, working closely with the private sector to increase accountability and mitigate labor abuses in global supply chains. Ms. Eugenio has over 30 years of federal government experience. She also served as Senior Program Officer at the International Labor Organization in Geneva, Switzerland. Ms. Eugenio received a Bachelor Degree in International Studies from the City College of New York and a Master Degree in Public Policy from the University of Michigan.

      June 11, 2024

      Day 2 Multi-Stakeholder Collaboration for Effective Action


      Jasmine O’Connor

      Anti-Slavery International

      Keynote Speech: Reframing Modern Slavery in Europe

      • Analyzing the linkages with labor migration, human trafficking, decent work deficits, due diligence 
      • Making the case for a comprehensive regional approach aligned with SDG 8.7

      Dr. Hyab Yohannes, University of Glasgow


      Hyab Yohannes is a researcher with the UNESCO Chair in Refugee Integration through Languages and the Arts at the University of Glasgow. His work involves conducting research and synthesising findings to provide insights into theoretical, methodological, and policy-related questions. Recently, Hyab co-edited a Special Issue on Intercultural Knowledge Production for the Journal of Language and Intercultural Communication. Additionally, he has signed a book contract with Routledge for his upcoming publication entitled ‘The Refugee Abyss’. Hyab’s research interests include decoloniality, cultures of peace, political theories, and (b)ordering (physical, onto-epistemic, spatio-temporal, juridico-political, etc.). 

      Panel Discussion: Learning From The Pathfinder Country Framework

      • Overview of the Pathfinder country process in Europe and key learnings and implications at the regional level
      Bukeni Waruzi

      Bukeni Waruzi


      Executive Director, Free the Slaves


      Bukeni Waruzi has helped put a Congolese warlord behind bars at the International Criminal Court (ICC), has helped women trafficked into domestic servitude in the Middle East, and has served as a human rights champion with American, European and African organizations for more than 20 years. 

      As Executive Director of Free the Slaves, he works closely with the board, the global team and headquarters to provide strategic leadership and set a vision for one of the world’s most widely-known and respected anti-modern slavery organizations. 

      Waruzi has documented human rights abuses, designed and implemented advocacy campaigns, made public presentations around the world, and trained hundreds of human rights advocates and activists in Africa, Asia, the Middle East and the Americas. 

      Anousheh Karvar

      Anousheh Karvar


      Government of France


      Anousheh KARVAR, born in 1961, is currently the French Government representative to the International Labour Organisation Governing Body and to the G7-G20 for Labour, Employment and Social Protection policies. She chaired for four years (2019-2023) the Global Partnership against Child Labour, Forced Labour, Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery (Alliance 8.7).

      She was appointed by the President of the French Republic Knight of the Légion d’Honneur in July 2021. She was formerly Deputy Director of the Minister of Labour’s private cabinet (2016-2017), and Counsellor to the President of the French Parliament, in charge of social policies (2017-2018).

      In 2012, she joined the General Inspectorate for Social Affairs, the French Government audit, evaluation and inspection office for social, employment and labour public policies, and was appointed as the Head of Labour and Employment Section of the General Inspectorate (2012-2015).

      She holds a PhD in History and Sociology of Science from the University of Paris – Denis Diderot & Ecole polytechnique.

      Joseph Murhula

      Joseph Murhula


      Democratic Republic of Congo

      Hellen Apiyo

      Hellen Apiyo


      Government of Kenya

      Irene Wintermayer

      Irene Wintermayer


      ILO Brussels


      Irene Wintermayr joined the team of the ILO Office for the European Union and Benelux countries as a Policy Officer in 2011. She monitors and advices the office on EU policy and legislation relevant to the ILO including on employment and social policy, labour rights, forced labour and trafficking in human beings and has published on this issue. Prior to her employment with ILO, she worked in the Brussels office of the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, gained work experience with the German NGO Weltfriedensdienst and at ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability. She has also been involved in several development projects in Latin America and South Africa.  Irene holds a MSc in Comparative Politics (Conflict Studies) from the London School of Economics and Political Science and a Master of Laws in International Law (Human Rights) from the University of London. 

      Aidah Muli

      Aidah Muli


      Survivor Network Kenya


      I am passionate about advocating against human trafficking and forced labor. I am not only a mother but also a philanthropist, a survivor leader, and a dedicated advocate in the fight against human trafficking. In 2022, I co-founded the Migrant Defenders Organisation. However, I have since moved on and am currently serving as a project management intern at Counter Human Trafficking Trust East Africa. Additionally, I hold a role as a survivor leader at the Global Migrant Workers Network and Free the Slaves. I am proud to be a part of the Kenya Survivor Committee leading Alliance 8.7 process in Kenya, which focuses on addressing issues such as human trafficking, child labor, forced labor, and modern-day slavery. I am continuously expanding my knowledge and skills to effectively run and manage organizations and work in a professional capacity, driven by my commitment to combating these pervasive issues. 

      Bernadette Agano

      Bernadette Agano


      Free the Slaves, DRC


      BERNADETTE  AGANO a young woman whose resilience and determination in her fight against exploitation and human trafficking, as well as in her commitment to women’s rights is a way of life. A mother of two boys, she transformed her traumatic experiences into a driving force for change in her community and beyond.  A survivor of sexual exploitation and human trafficking, Bernadette is committed to fighting these scourges that destroy lives and break up families. As a women’s rights activist, she fights for justice and equality, providing a voice to those who are often silenced. Alongside her activism, Bernadette is a professional musical artist, using her talent and creativity to raise awareness and inspire. Her music is a powerful way to share messages of hope, resistance and solidarity with those who have experienced situations similar to hers. 

      As an entrepreneur, Bernadette manages a training center for professions such as makeup, hairdressing and fashion. It thus offers training and employment opportunities to often marginalized people, allowing them to regain their dignity and economic independence.  Bernadette not only trains survivors, she also is a leader and representative within the National Task Force for Alliance 8.7, as part of the roadmap for the elimination of child labor, modern slavery, human trafficking and forced labor in the DRC. 

       As DRC Program Manager for Free the Slaves, Bernadette coordinates efforts to combat modern slavery in the Democratic Republic of Congo and to support survivors in their social and economic reintegration.  Bernadette is an inspiring example of a Survivor Leader. Her determination to advance the cause of women’s rights and combat human exploitation and trafficking leaves a profound impact in her community and beyond. 

      Marco Dubbelt

      Marco Dubbelt


      Global March Against Child Labour


      Marco Dubbelt has been working towards addressing child labour, forced labour and gender inequalities in different settings and countries, with a focus on child labour in global supply chains. He has a law degree from the University of Maastricht with a special focus on international lawHe is the officer in charge for Global March Against Child Labour where he is engaged in advocacy and developing strategies for addressing child labour. Marco is an active member of the Global Coordinating Group of Alliance 8.7 and different other international and national initiatives for eliminating child labour. He is also part of the several multi-stakeholder initiatives on responsible international business. He wants to make a better connection between the efforts on eliminating child labour in global supply chains and the work at the grassroots.

      Concurrent Roundtables

      A1: Survivor Leadership in Policy and Program Design

      • Case studies on meaningful survivor leadership for policy and program design and implementation- include a case study on survivor inclusion in the pathfinder process. 
      Dr. Minh Dang

      Dr. Minh Dang


      Survivor Alliance

      Minh Dang, MSW, PhD is the Executive Director of Survivor Alliance, an international NGO that empowers survivors to be leaders of the anti-trafficking movement. She is also a part-time Research Fellow and Lead in Survivor Scholarship and Wellbeing at the University of Nottingham’s Rights Lab. Her doctoral thesis, Wellbeing in our own Words: Survivors of slavery defining wellbeing, emphasizes the importance of moving beyond psychopathy when discussing survivors’ mental health and focusing on wellbeing. Minh was born and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area region of California. Minh has a B.A. in Sociology, a Masters in Social Welfare, with an emphasis on Community Mental Health, and a PhD in Politics and Contemporary History. Minh loves the outdoors, is a fan of farmers’ markets, and the person making silly faces at your child in the supermarket. You will rarely find her without a journal or post-it notes, and she hopes that someone will pay her to launch a stationery line called Minhspiration.
      Malaika Oringo

      Malaika Oringo


      Founder and CEO, Footprint to Freedom


      My name is Malaika Oringo, and I am an expert in Anti-Human Trafficking Advocacy and Survivor-Led Initiatives. I have been working in the anti-human trafficking field for more than 10 years. 

      I am the founder of Freedom, a survivor-led organization committed to emancipating victims and empowering survivors. I have also founded and co-founded various other initiatives aimed at amplifying survivor voices and fostering inclusion, such as Beyond Survivor and The African Survivor Coalition, which is currently scaling to 54 countries across Africa. 

      In addition to my organizational work, I have worked with and consulted for different large organizations such as the UN, UNODC, The Salvation Army, OSCE, and Finance Against Slavery and Trafficking (FAST), providing strategic guidance in the fight against human trafficking on a global scale. 

      A2: Multi-Stakeholder Collaboration Models

      • Case studies of effective cross-sector partnerships (e.g. ethical recruitment, migration)
      Vlad Bauer

      Vlad Bauer




      With over 4 years helming the financial strategy at eLiberare, our team has empowered the organization to strike at the heart of human trafficking. My role as a CFO involves deploying sustainable business strategies and insightful management of ESG issues to bolster our mission’s effectiveness, with a focus on promoting clean supply chains and eradicating exploitation and human trafficking. By advocating for transparency and ethical practices throughout supply networks, I strive to create a world where businesses prioritize human rights and environmental stewardship.
      Leveraging problem-solving acumen and communication proficiency, I have fostered critical partnerships and ensured our financial integrity. The commitment to sustainable development and transparent operations has been the cornerstone of advancing eLiberare’s cause, with the help of certifications in HACCP, ISO 9001, and sustainable finance.
      I am committed to driving positive change and creating a lasting impact in the fight against human trafficking. I believe in the power of collaboration and innovative solutions to tackle this critical issue and build a brighter future for those affected. By championing clean supply chains and working tirelessly to eradicate exploitation, I aim to contribute to a more equitable and sustainable world. 

      Mustafa Qadri

      Mustafa Qadri




      Mustafa Qadri is the Founder and Executive Director of Equidem Research and Consulting, managing all our projects and partner relationships. He is a human rights research and advocacy expert with 20 years of interdisciplinary experience in government and public international law, journalism and the non-governmental sector. He is the author of several landmark human rights reports into the construction industry, civil and political rights issues, and media freedom, including most recently The ugly side of the beautiful game – the first independent human rights investigation to uncover labour abuse on Qatar 2022 World Cup construction sites. 

      To date, The ugly side report has the most extensive analysis of industry labour standards in Qatar ever carried out against the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and other international standards. Mustafa has carried out human rights investigations, advocacy and training on several countries including Afghanistan, Australia, Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Qatar, UAE, UK, and USA. Mustafa began his career as a solicitor at the Public Interest Advocacy Centre (2002) before advising the Attorney-General of Australia (2003-06), first on indigenous land rights cases before Australian federal courts, then on international criminal treaty negotiations with states in Asia and the Middle East. He has also represented indigenous land owners in negotiations with multi-national mining corporations in the Pilbara region of far north-western Australia (2006). As a journalist reporting for The Guardian (UK), the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, and others, he has carried out investigations in the Middle East and South Asia (2008-10). Before founding Equidem, Mustafa was a senior human rights researcher with Human Rights Watch (2010-11) and Amnesty International (2011-2016). Mustafa is a Research Fellow at the Institute for Human Rights and Business, a member of the Advisory Board to Forensic Architecture, and a member of the Board of Directors to CORE Coalition. 

      Reporting Back from Roundtables

      PANEL DISCUSSION: Learning from the Science of Combating Modern Slavery and the SDG 8.7 Framework

      • Effective approaches and tools for combating modern slavery and trafficking in Europe and outside Europe and exploring synergies.
      Jasmine O’Connor

      Jasmine O’Connor


      Anti-Slavery International



      Lois Bosatta

      Lois Bosatta


      Rights Lab, University of Nottingham


      Lois Bosatta leads the Rights Lab’s business engagement and research impact. She works with all four of our research programmes on the design and delivery of research in collaboration with businesses and other business-engaged organisations. Her role includes the impact of research for the business community, and the application of Rights Lab research in business interventions; and co-developing research projects with external partners including Sainsbury’s, Government of Canada, and Moody’s Analytics. Lois is also a Trustee for the Adavu Project, a survivor support organisation based in the West Midlands. Before joining the Rights Lab, she completed the University of Nottingham MA in Slavery and Liberation. 

      Abigail Munroe

      Abigail Munroe


      Walk Free


      Abigail Munroe is a modern slavery Senior Policy and Research Analyst. at Walk Free – an international human rights group dedicated to the eradication of modern slavery.  

      Abi works across the organization’s research and impact portfolio, and project manages the Beyond Compliance project, assessing business responses to Modern Slavery legislation in the UK and Australia.  

      Abi holds a Master of Laws in International and European Human Rights Law and has worked in the fields of international child protection and anti-trafficking of children, as well as domestic violence policy in the UK. 

      Dr. David Okech

      Dr. David Okech


      University of Georgia


      Dr. David Okech is an associate professor at the University of Georgia and the Director of African Programming and Research Initiative to End Slavery (APRIES). He conducts research on human trafficking – the exploitation of men, women, and children for the purposes of labor and sex. He focuses on designing evidence-based interventions and policies to inform programs and policies that will improve psycho-social and physical health, increase economic empowerment and put survivors on a path to recovery, stability and social integration. He has published on human trafficking and PTSD, financial capability and trafficking, as well as conducted a review of social work literature on the subject. Dr. Okech serves on the International Steering Group of the Antislavery Knowledge Network at the University of Liverpool in the United Kingdom and is also a founding member of the African Programming and Research Initiative to End Slavery (APRIES). Dr. Okech is currently leading a US Department of State, TIP Office grant in West Africa. He received his PhD from the University of Kansas in 2008 and is a Fellow of the Society for Social Work and Research as well as the Owens Institute for Behavioral Research. 

      Dr. Minh Dang

      Dr. Minh Dang


      Survivor Alliance


      DR. Minh Dang MSW, PhD is the Executive Director of Survivor Alliance, an international NGO that empowers survivors to be leaders in their own communities. She is also a Research Fellow and Lead in Survivor Scholarship and Wellbeing at the University of Nottingham’s Rights Lab. Her doctoral thesis, Wellbeing in our own Words: Survivors of slavery defining wellbeing, emphasizes the importance of moving beyond psychopathy when discussing survivors’ mental health and focusing on wellbeing. Minh was born and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area region of California and is a proud two-time UC Berkeley alum. Minh earned her B.A. in Sociology and Masters in Social Welfare, with an emphasis on Community Mental Health. Minh loves the outdoors, is a fan of farmers’ markets, and the person making silly faces at your child in the supermarket. You will rarely find her without a journal or post-it notes and hope that someone will pay her to launch a stationery line called Minhspiration. 

      Q&A for Panel

      Concurrent Roundtables

      A1: Survivor Inclusion in Multi-Stakeholder Collaboration: Key Learnings

      • Guidance on meaningful inclusion of survivor perspectives throughout the policy cycle.
      • Strategies to promote and institutionalize survivor leadership
      Okundaye Itohan

      Okundaye Itohan

      Shinning hope Foundation Against Human Trafficking


      Okundaye Itohan is a human trafficking activist, advocate, public speaker, and consultant in Finland. She is a two-time member of the International Survivor’s advisory council and the CEO and founder of Shinning Hope Foundation Against Human Trafficking in Nigeria. 

      Malaika Oringo

      Malaika Oringo

      Founder and CEO, Footprint to Freedom


      My name is Malaika Oringo, and I am an expert in Anti-Human Trafficking Advocacy and Survivor-Led Initiatives. I have been working in the anti-human trafficking field for more than 10 years. I am the founder of Footprint to Freedom, a survivor-led organization committed to emancipating victims and empowering survivors. I have also founded and co-founded various other initiatives aimed at amplifying survivor voices and fostering inclusion, such as Beyond Survivor and The African Survivor Coalition, which is currently scaling to 54 countries across Africa. 

      In addition to my organizational work, I have worked with and consulted for different large organizations such as the UN, UNODC, The Salvation Army, OSCE, and Finance Against Slavery and Trafficking (FAST), providing strategic guidance in the fight against human trafficking on a global scale. 

      A2: Best Practices in Effective Cross-Sector Partnerships on Modern Slavery and Trafficking

      Dr. David Okech

      Dr. David Okech


      University of Georgia


      Dr. David Okech is an associate professor at the University of Georgia and the Director of African Programming and Research Initiative to End Slavery (APRIES). He conducts research on human trafficking – the exploitation of men, women, and children for the purposes of labor and sex. He focuses on designing evidence-based interventions and policies to inform programs and policies that will improve psycho-social and physical health, increase economic empowerment and put survivors on a path to recovery, stability and social integration. He has published on human trafficking and PTSD, financial capability and trafficking, as well as conducted a review of social work literature on the subject. Dr. Okech serves on the International Steering Group of the Antislavery Knowledge Network at the University of Liverpool in the United Kingdom and is also a founding member of the African Programming and Research Initiative to End Slavery (APRIES). Dr. Okech is currently leading a US Department of State, TIP Office grant in West Africa. He received his PhD from the University of Kansas in 2008 and is a Fellow of the Society for Social Work and Research as well as the Owens Institute for Behavioral Research. 

      Dr. Hyab Yohannes

      Dr. Hyab Yohannes

      University of Glasgow


      Hyab Yohannes is a researcher with the UNESCO Chair in Refugee Integration through Languages and the Arts at the University of Glasgow. His work involves conducting research and synthesising findings to provide insights into theoretical, methodological, and policy-related questions. Recently, Hyab co-edited a Special Issue on Intercultural Knowledge Production for the Journal of Language and Intercultural Communication. Additionally, he has signed a book contract with Routledge for his upcoming publication entitled ‘The Refugee Abyss’. Hyab’s research interests include decoloniality, cultures of peace, political theories, and (b)ordering (physical, onto-epistemic, spatio-temporal, juridico-political, etc. 

      Reporting Back from Concurrent Roundtables

      Exercise: Modern Slavery Movement Narrative

      Dr. Brook Parker-Bello

      Dr. Brook Parker-Bello

      More Too Life


      Dr. Brook Parker-Bello honored with the Lifetime Achievement Award from President Barack Obama, is a dedicated advocate against human trafficking. With a background in acting, justice advocacy, and leadership, she founded More Too Life, Inc., a beacon of hope for 19 years. Brook’s impact extends to digital education platforms addressing sexual exploitation. She launched Eval, a mental healthcare tech, chosen by Techstars Founders Catalyst. A Master’s Series alumnus, she holds a US Patent, creating innovative software in mental healthcare, AI, and machine learning. An accomplished author, Brook’s works include “Living Inside The Rainbow” and “S+CxM=O.” Recent releases, “Shame Undone” and “Fine Heart Table Book,” showcased at special events in Monaco, reflect her commitment. With a Ph.D. in Pastoral Clinical Counseling, Brook is a global speaker recognized by the United Nations and Google Next-Gen Fellow. Advocate of the Year in Florida, she collaborates with entities like the FBI, DOJ, and Harvard. An inspiration to all genders, Brook, with her unwavering stance, resides in South Florida, amplifying voices for a better world. 

      June 12, 2024

      Day 3 – CSDDD and Beyond: New Driving Forces to Reach SDG 8.7.

      Opening Remarks (Re-cap of Day 2 & Plan for Day 3)

      Dr. David Okech, University of Georgia


      Dr. David Okech is an associate professor at the University of Georgia and the Director of African Programming and Research Initiative to End Slavery (APRIES). He conducts research on human trafficking – the exploitation of men, women, and children for the purposes of labor and sex. He focuses on designing evidence-based interventions and policies to inform programs and policies that will improve psycho-social and physical health, increase economic empowerment and put survivors on a path to recovery, stability and social integration. He has published on human trafficking and PTSD, financial capability and trafficking, as well as conducted a review of social work literature on the subject. Dr. Okech serves on the International Steering Group of the Antislavery Knowledge Network at the University of Liverpool in the United Kingdom and is also a founding member of the African Programming and Research Initiative to End Slavery (APRIES). Dr. Okech is currently leading a US Department of State, TIP Office grant in West Africa. He received his PhD from the University of Kansas in 2008 and is a Fellow of the Society for Social Work and Research as well as the Owens Institute for Behavioral Research. 

      Keynote Speech: Regulatory Measures in Europe

      Mustafa Qadri, Equidem

      Keynote Speaker Bio

      Mustafa Qadri is the Founder and Executive Director of Equidem Research and Consulting, managing all our projects and partner relationships. He is a human rights research and advocacy expert with 20 years of interdisciplinary experience in government and public international law, journalism and the non-governmental sector. He is the author of several landmark human rights reports into the construction industry, civil and political rights issues, and media freedom, including most recently The ugly side of the beautiful game – the first independent human rights investigation to uncover labour abuse on Qatar 2022 World Cup construction sites. 

      To date, The ugly side report has the most extensive analysis of industry labour standards in Qatar ever carried out against the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and other international standards. Mustafa has carried out human rights investigations, advocacy and training on several countries including Afghanistan, Australia, Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Qatar, UAE, UK, and USA. Mustafa began his career as a solicitor at the Public Interest Advocacy Centre (2002) before advising the Attorney-General of Australia (2003-06), first on indigenous land rights cases before Australian federal courts, then on international criminal treaty negotiations with states in Asia and the Middle East. He has also represented indigenous land owners in negotiations with multi-national mining corporations in the Pilbara region of far north-western Australia (2006). As a journalist reporting for The Guardian (UK), the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, and others, he has carried out investigations in the Middle East and South Asia (2008-10). Before founding Equidem, Mustafa was a senior human rights researcher with Human Rights Watch (2010-11) and Amnesty International (2011-2016). Mustafa is a Research Fellow at the Institute for Human Rights and Business, a member of the Advisory Board to Forensic Architecture, and a member of the Board of Directors to CORE Coalition. 

      Panel Discussion: Regulatory Landscape on Forced Labor In Europe & Coordination: CSDDD and FLR, Import Bans, and Other Mechanisms.

      • Stakeholders explore efforts to combat forced labor, due diligence efforts, and collaboration in Europe.
      • Exploring challenges and opportunities for greater transnational collaboration.
       Irene Wintermayr

      Irene Wintermayr


      International Labour Organization


      Irene Wintermayr joined the team of the ILO Office for the European Union and Benelux countries as a Policy Officer in 2011. She monitors and advices the office on EU policy and legislation relevant to the ILO including on employment and social policy, labour rights, forced labour and trafficking in human beings and has published on this issue.  Prior to her employment with ILO, she worked in the Brussels office of the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, gained work experience with the German NGO Weltfriedensdienst and at ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability. She has also been involved in several development projects in Latin America and South Africa.  Irene holds a MSc in Comparative Politics (Conflict Studies) from the London School of Economics and Political Science and a Master of Laws in International Law (Human Rights) from the University of London. 

      Jeff Morgan

      Jeff Morgan


      Sucden Trading


      Jeff Morgan is the Senior Advisor for Cocoa Sustainability for Sucden Cocoa, a division of Sucden, the international commodity trading business that focusses on supplying sugar, coffee and cocoa to major manufacturers worldwide. Jeff has more than 40 years’ experience working in the global cocoa sector. Prior to joining the Sucden Cocoa Sustainability team in August 2019, Jeff worked for a major manufacturer of globally known chocolate brands. In that capacity Jeff was instrumental in the development of a holistic cocoa sustainability program. In his career, Jeff has focused his efforts primarily on the social elements of sustainability – especially child labor and forced labor – although more recently, he and the sustainability team at Sucden have been working to develop approaches for increasing farmer incomes as well as monitoring for deforestation and understanding the carbon emission profiles of cocoa farms. 

      Jeff was a technical advisor to the cocoa industry group that developed the Harkin Engel Protocol in 2001, and in that capacity worked closely with producer country governments, the ILO and other human rights organizations to investigate the fundamental aspects of child labor and forced labor in the cocoa sector. Jeff has significant experience in working in partnership with civil society organizations to implement sustainability programs in a number of cocoa producing origins. Jeff has served as the Co-President of the International Cocoa Initiative (ICI) and on various working groups within the World Cocoa Foundation. Jeff currently is Sucden’s representative on the European Cocoa Association’s Sustainability Working Group. 

      Dr. Sofia Gonzalez De Aguinaga

      Dr. Sofia Gonzalez De Aguinaga




      Dr Sofia Gonzalez De Aguinaga joined the British Institute for International and Comparative Law (BIICL) and the Modern Slavery and Human Rights Policy and Evidence Centre (MS PEC) in February 2022.   

      She is currently engaged in two research projects with BIICL’s Business and Human Rights team, one focused on identifying and comparing impacts of mHREDD laws on internal corporate practice, and another on measuring the effectiveness of home state regulatory models on corporate behaviourShe also coordinates the Bingham Centre’s Business Network and develops and delivers relevant research for its members on ESG and modern slavery. 

      Sofia undertakes research on modern slavery in business supply chains for the MS PEC. As part of this work, Sofia has delivered research looking at the effectiveness of several instruments in addressing modern slavery, including of public procurement measures, levers of capital market actors, and mandatory human rights and environmental due diligence legislation. She is currently working on an evidence review on the effectiveness of forced labour import bans in addressing modern slavery. Overall, her research is characterised by continuous engagement with business, policy makers, academics, and practitioners. 

      Before joining BIICL she worked as a consultant for the Walk Free Foundation in the Beyond Compliance project in the garment and investor sectors reporting under the UK and Australian Modern Slavery Acts. 

      Sofia holds a PhD in Business Ethics & Sustainability from King’s College London. Her thesis looked at heterogenous business responses to CSR programmes in emerging markets. She also has teaching experience at King’s College London leading seminars and delivering lectures in the Business School and the Department of International Development. 

      Marcia Eugenio

      Marcia Eugenio


      U.S. Department of Labor


       Marcia Eugenio is the Director of the Office of Child Labor, Forced Labor, and Human Trafficking (OCFT) in the U.S. Department of Labor’s Bureau of International Labor Affairs (ILAB). Under Ms. Eugenio’s leadership, OCFT’s work has contributed to the worldwide reduction of child labor; provided millions of children with education and training and their families with viable livelihood and decent work opportunities; and increased the capacity of governments and other stakeholders to address child labor and forced labor. Under her direction, OCFT has also pioneered new approaches and tools to advance supply chain transparency, working closely with the private sector to increase accountability and mitigate labor abuses in global supply chains. Ms. Eugenio has over 30 years of federal government experience. She also served as Senior Program Officer at the International Labor Organization in Geneva, Switzerland. Ms. Eugenio received a bachelor’s degree in international studies from the City College of New York and a Master Degree in Public Policy from the University of Michigan 

      Javier Martin-Cerracin

      Javier Martin-Cerracin


       European Commission

      Anousheh Karvar

      Anousheh Karvar


      Government of France


      Anousheh KARVAR, born in 1961, is currently the French Government representative to the International Labour Organisation Governing Body and to the G7-G20 for Labour, Employment and Social Protection policies. She chaired for four years (2019-2023) the Global Partnership against Child Labour, Forced Labour, Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery (Alliance 8.7).

      She was appointed by the President of the French Republic Knight of the Légion d’Honneur in July 2021. She was formerly Deputy Director of the Minister of Labour’s private cabinet (2016-2017), and Counsellor to the President of the French Parliament, in charge of social policies (2017-2018).

      In 2012, she joined the General Inspectorate for Social Affairs, the French Government audit, evaluation and inspection office for social, employment and labour public policies, and was appointed as the Head of Labour and Employment Section of the General Inspectorate (2012-2015).

      She holds a PhD in History and Sociology of Science from the University of Paris – Denis Diderot & Ecole polytechnique.

      Concurrent Roundtables

      A1: Business, Unions, and Allies: Discussing the Implications and Collaboration on CSDDD and FLR

      Charlotte Demuijnck

      Charlotte Demuijnck


      Sucden Trading


      Charlotte Demuijnck holds the position of Sustainability Manager in Sucden Cocoa Department, a leading company in the soft commodities sector, which she joined in 2020. She has 9 years’ experience in global supply chain sustainability. Before joining Sucden, Charlotte spent several years in sustainability consulting, where she honed her expertise supporting companies to develop strategies and actions aimed at resolving or mitigating environmental, social and economic challenges. Charlotte holds an MSc from the London School of Economics and Sciences Po Paris. 

      Jeff Morgan

      Jeff Morgan


      Sucden Trading


      Jeff Morgan is the Senior Advisor for Cocoa Sustainability for Sucden Cocoa, a division of Sucden, the international commodity trading business that focusses on supplying sugar, coffee and cocoa to major manufacturers worldwide. Jeff has more than 40 years’ experience working in the global cocoa sector. Prior to joining the Sucden Cocoa Sustainability team in August 2019, Jeff worked for a major manufacturer of globally known chocolate brands. In that capacity Jeff was instrumental in the development of a holistic cocoa sustainability program. In his career, Jeff has focused his efforts primarily on the social elements of sustainability – especially child labor and forced labor – although more recently, he and the sustainability team at Sucden have been working to develop approaches for increasing farmer incomes as well as monitoring for deforestation and understanding the carbon emission profiles of cocoa farms. 

      Jeff was a technical advisor to the cocoa industry group that developed the Harkin Engel Protocol in 2001, and in that capacity worked closely with producer country governments, the ILO and other human rights organizations to investigate the fundamental aspects of child labor and forced labor in the cocoa sector. Jeff has significant experience in working in partnership with civil society organizations to implement sustainability programs in a number of cocoa producing origins. Jeff has served as the Co-President of the International Cocoa Initiative (ICI) and on various working groups within the World Cocoa Foundation. Jeff currently is Sucden’s representative on the European Cocoa Association’s Sustainability Working Group. 

      A2: Exploring Cross-National and Cross-Regional Synergies on Import Bans and Other Measures on Forced Labor.

      Ira Rachmawati

      Ira Rachmawati



      Ira Rachmawati is a human and trade union rights officer at the International Trade Union Confederation. Her work focuses on forced and child labor, fair recruitment as well as migrant workers’ rights.  

      Jasmine O’Connor

      Jasmine O’Connor


      Anti-Slavery International

      Reporting Back from Roundtables

      PRESENTATION & PANEL DISCUSSION: Opportunities and Unintended Consequences of Global Regulatory Measures for Emerging Markets and Developing Economies

      • Presentation of case study research findings exploring the knock-on impacts of regulatory measures for businesses, and workers, in emerging markets and developing economies.
      • Follow-up panel discussion discussing themes of the research findings.
      Natasha Jung

      Natasha Jung



      Natasha is a Policy & Programme Officer at the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO), and leads on work to help deliver the UK’s commitment to eradicating modern slavery and tackling business-related human right abuses. Natasha has held other policy advisory roles, including at the Department for Levelling Up, Housing, and Communities (DLUHC), carrying experience of working directly with key stakeholders and Ministers to help implement programmes and policy priorities. Prior to working in His Majesty’s Government, Natasha was in the Strategy & Research team at London & Partners, the Mayor of London’s economic development body. She was involved in work to help influence business, investment, and consumer incentives to choose London. Natasha also holds research experience from her time working with Bite The Ballot and ClearView Research, supporting campaign driven research projects on youth electoral participation. 

      Justin Bedford

      Justin Bedford



      Justin Bedford was appointed UK Modern Slavery Envoy in October 2023. He was previously Head of NATO Policy and Deputy Head of the joint Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office and Ministry of Defence Euro-Atlantic Security Policy Unit. From 2016 to 2019 he was Head of the Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO) United Nations Strategy and Political Team. Justin was Deputy Ambassador to the Holy See from 2009 to 2013. His other roles have focused on European issues, counter-terrorism, international security, and the Sahel and West Africa. He was Private Secretary to the FCO Political Director from 2006 to 2009.  

      Justin has a Master’s degree in international relations and a Bachelor’s degree in modern languages. 

      Pauline Watine

      Pauline Watine

      Ethical Apparel Africa


      Pauline Watine 

      As the Social Impact and HR Director Pauline develops, oversees and is accountable for sustainability and impact strategy, eviden ce-based programs design as well as talent recruitment and development. In the last 15 years, Pauline has lived and worked in Mali, Senegal, Ghana, India and France in international development and people management including working with the ILO, Oxfam, Freedom from Hunger and myAgro.  

      She is passionate about building our local partners’ capacity to foster workers’ wellbeing, engagement and empowerment and to adopt concrete measures that protect the planet. Pauline holds a master’s degree in Sustainable International Development from Brandeis University and a master’s in international and economics from ‘Science Po’. Pauline is based in France with frequent travel to west Africa. 

      Emmanuel Arthur

      Emmanuel Arthur

      Kuapa Kokoo Limited


      Mr. Emmanuel Kwabena Arthur holds a Commonwealth Executive Masters in Business Administration (CEMBA), Barrister at Law (BL), Bachelor of Laws (LLB), Post Graduate Diploma (PGDip) in Business Administration, Bachelor of Education (Business Education) and a Diploma in Business Education. He is a Private Legal Practitioner by profession.

      Mr. Arthur worked as a non-professional and professional teacher before becoming a legal practitioner. His teaching experience spanned between the year 1990 and 2002.

      He joined Kuapa Kokoo Limited (KKL) in 2002 as an Administrative Officer and rose through the ranks to become the Administrative Manager in 2006. He was subsequently promoted as the Executive Director of Kuapa Kokoo Farmers Union in 2008 due to his dedication and hard work towards the vision of Kuapa Kokoo. He was transferred back to KKL as the Managing Director in 2012 because of his continuous commitment for Kuapa Kokoo.

      He served as a Board Member for Divine Chocolate (UK & USA) from 2012 to 2015. He also served as a Board Member for FLOCERT (Germany) from 2013 to 2015 (an international fairtrade certification body in Germany)

      He later joined Dominion Chambers in 2015 where he worked as a Private Legal Practitioner for Seven (7) years.

      He is currently the Managing Director of Kuapa Kokoo Ltd since November, 2022.

      Martin Muriuki

      Martin Muriuki

      Ngaca Farms

      Martin Mwangi Muriuki, 44, Kenya
      Muriuki is the esteemed second generation owner of Ngacha Coffee Estate in Kenya. With over a decade of experience in agribusiness, Martin is dedicated to growing organic coffee through sustainable farming practices. His commitment extends beyond cultivation; he actively promotes socio-economic sustainability within his community. Under his leadership, Ngacha Coffee Estate has produced award-winning coffee, earning recognition on both national and international platforms. Martin’s vision and achievements make him a notable figure in the coffee industry and a key advocate for sustainable agriculture. He is married and a proud father of two.
      Apollo Kiarii

      Apollo Kiarii

      Apollo Consulting

      Roundtable Discussions

      1:00 PM – 2:00 PM: PANEL DISCUSSION: Labor Exploitation Risks & Migration Policies in Europe

      • Overview of labor migration in Europe and potential risks: the impact of the Ukrainian crisis on Labor Exploitation of migrants in Europe
      • Assessing the effectiveness of cross-country collaboration on preventing labor exploitation and protecting migrants
      Vlad Bauer

      Vlad Bauer




      Vlad Bauer  

      With over 4 years helming the financial strategy at eLiberare, our team has empowered the organization to strike at the heart of human trafficking. My role as a CFO involves deploying sustainable business strategies and insightful management of ESG issues to bolster our mission’s effectiveness, with a focus on promoting clean supply chains and eradicating exploitation and human trafficking. By advocating for transparency and ethical practices throughout supply networks, I strive to create a world where businesses prioritize human rights and environmental stewardship.
      Leveraging problem-solving acumen and communication proficiency, I have fostered critical partnerships and ensured our financial integrity. The commitment to sustainable development and transparent operations has been the cornerstone of advancing eLiberare’s cause, with the help of certifications in HACCP, ISO 9001, and sustainable finance.
      I am committed to driving positive change and creating a lasting impact in the fight against human trafficking. I believe in the power of collaboration and innovative solutions to tackle this critical issue and build a brighter future for those affected. By championing clean supply chains and working tirelessly to eradicate exploitation, I aim to contribute to a more equitable and sustainable world. 

      Suzanne Hoff

      Suzanne Hoff

      La Strada International


      Suzanne Hoff 

      Since 2004, Suzanne Hoff is International Coordinator of La Strada International, the European NGO Platform against trafficking in human beings, comprising 33 anti-trafficking NGOs in 24 European countries (both EU and non-EU). As International Coordinator, Suzanne Hoff manages a broad range of tasks including strategy planning, lobby & advocacy and monitoring European developments and representation of the Platform in different international fora, next to coordination of joint European projects, campaigns, and research. She is member of various international platforms, think thanks and NGO advocacy groups. 

      The advocacy, campaigns and (research) projects she has contributed to over the last 20 years relate to many different aspects of human trafficking, but in particular these related to victims’ rights and their access to justice (compensation, safe reporting, non-punishment and access to residence) She also worked on monitoring and data collection and policy issues related to definitions and application of legislation, fair migration, decent work and addressing, demand. 

      Before La Strada International, she worked for different NGOs, like Caritas Netherlands, the Dutch Centre for International Cooperation and the Dutch Refugee Council as well as for the Amsterdam Mayor’s office and the international department of the Amsterdam Municipality. Most of her work focused on human rights and the situation in Central and Eastern Europe. Suzanne has an academic background; a master in Eastern European Studies and in (television) journalism. 

      Lilana Keith

      Lilana Keith



      Lilana Keith is PICUM’s Senior Advocacy Officer on Labour rights and Labour migration.  

       PICUM is a network of more than 155 organisations in 31 countries, mostly in Europe, working for human rights and social justice for undocumented migrants.  On employment, PICUM works for decent labour migration pathways, and for systems that protect the rights of all workers. 

       Lilana joined PICUM in 2011 and has had various roles. She has been involved in work to advance migrants’ rights since 2009, including through community development and funding. She has an academic background in international and European migration law and policy and anthropology. She is also Co-Chair of the Board of Trustees of Statewatch. 

      Ira Rachmawati,

      Ira Rachmawati,



      Ira Rachmawati is a human and trade union rights officer at the International Trade Union Confederation. Her work focuses on forced and child labor, fair recruitment as well as migrant workers’ rights. 

      Mustafa Qadri

      Mustafa Qadri



      Mustafa Qadri is the Founder and Executive Director of Equidem Research and Consulting, managing all our projects and partner relationships. He is a human rights research and advocacy expert with 20 years of interdisciplinary experience in government and public international law, journalism and the non-governmental sector. He is the author of several landmark human rights reports into the construction industry, civil and political rights issues, and media freedom, including most recently The ugly side of the beautiful game – the first independent human rights investigation to uncover labour abuse on Qatar 2022 World Cup construction sites. 

      To date, The ugly side report has the most extensive analysis of industry labour standards in Qatar ever carried out against the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and other international standards. Mustafa has carried out human rights investigations, advocacy and training on several countries including Afghanistan, Australia, Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Qatar, UAE, UK, and USA. Mustafa began his career as a solicitor at the Public Interest Advocacy Centre (2002) before advising the Attorney-General of Australia (2003-06), first on indigenous land rights cases before Australian federal courts, then on international criminal treaty negotiations with states in Asia and the Middle East. He has also represented indigenous land owners in negotiations with multi-national mining corporations in the Pilbara region of far north-western Australia (2006). As a journalist reporting for The Guardian (UK), the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, and others, he has carried out investigations in the Middle East and South Asia (2008-10). Before founding Equidem, Mustafa was a senior human rights researcher with Human Rights Watch (2010-11) and Amnesty International (2011-2016). Mustafa is a Research Fellow at the Institute for Human Rights and Business, a member of the Advisory Board to Forensic Architecture, and a member of the Board of Directors to CORE Coalition. 

      A1: Discussion of Effective Systems of Grievance Mechanism and Remediation in the Case of Labor Exploitation.

      Lilana Keith

      Lilana Keith




      Lilana Keith is PICUM’s Senior Advocacy Officer on Labour rights and Labour migration. 

      PICUM is a network of more than 155 organisations in 31 countries, mostly in Europe, working for human rights and social justice for undocumented migrants. On employment, PICUM works for decent labour migration pathways, and for systems that protect the rights of all workers. 

      Lilana joined PICUM in 2011 and has had various roles. She has been involved in work to advance migrants’ rights since 2009, including through community development and funding. She has an academic background in international and European migration law and policy and anthropology. She is also Co-Chair of the Board of Trustees of Statewatch. 

      Ira Rachmawati

      Ira Rachmawati




      Ira Rachmawati is a human and trade union rights officer at the International Trade Union Confederation. Her work focuses on forced and child labor, fair recruitment as well as migrant workers’ rights. 

      A2: Migration and Labor Exploitation: Policies and Practices in Europe

      Vlad Bauer

      Vlad Bauer



      Vlad Bauer  

      With over 4 years helming the financial strategy at eLiberare, our team has empowered the organization to strike at the heart of human trafficking. My role as a CFO involves deploying sustainable business strategies and insightful management of ESG issues to bolster our mission’s effectiveness, with a focus on promoting clean supply chains and eradicating exploitation and human trafficking. By advocating for transparency and ethical practices throughout supply networks, I strive to create a world where businesses prioritize human rights and environmental stewardship.
      Leveraging problem-solving acumen and communication proficiency, I have fostered critical partnerships and ensured our financial integrity. The commitment to sustainable development and transparent operations has been the cornerstone of advancing eLiberare’s cause, with the help of certifications in HACCP, ISO 9001, and sustainable finance.
      I am committed to driving positive change and creating a lasting impact in the fight against human trafficking. I believe in the power of collaboration and innovative solutions to tackle this critical issue and build a brighter future for those affected. By championing clean supply chains and working tirelessly to eradicate exploitation, I aim to contribute to a more equitable and sustainable world. 

      Diane Truong

      Diane Truong

      Pacific Links Foundation


      Diane Truong

      Director of Communications & Operations, Pacific Links Foundation

      Diane is deeply committed to fostering women’s empowerment and believes in the transformative power of investing in youth to cultivate resilient individuals and catalysts for positive change. As the driving force behind Pacific Links Foundation’s communications, monitoring and evaluation, grant writing and reporting, Diane channels over a decade of international nonprofit expertise into her role. Pacific Links Foundation has 20+ years of experience delivering innovative, evidence-based empowerment programs to increase access to education and combat human trafficking and forced labor in the supply chain in Vietnam and transit/destination countries across Asia and Europe. Diane holds a Bachelor’s degree in Integrative Biology from the University of California, Berkeley.
      Dr. Minh Dang

      Dr. Minh Dang


      Survivor Alliance


      DR. Minh Dang MSW, PhD is the Executive Director of Survivor Alliance, an international NGO that empowers survivors to be leaders in their own communities. She is also a Research Fellow and Lead in Survivor Scholarship and Wellbeing at the University of Nottingham’s Rights Lab. Her doctoral thesis, Wellbeing in our own Words: Survivors of slavery defining wellbeing, emphasizes the importance of moving beyond psychopathy when discussing survivors’ mental health and focusing on wellbeing. Minh was born and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area region of California and is a proud two-time UC Berkeley alum. Minh earned her B.A. in Sociology and Masters in Social Welfare, with an emphasis on Community Mental Health. Minh loves the outdoors, is a fan of farmers’ markets, and the person making silly faces at your child in the supermarket. You will rarely find her without a journal or post-it notes and hope that someone will pay her to launch a stationery line called Minhspiration. 

      Reporting Back from Roundtables

      2024 European Forum Planning Committee

      Lois Bosatta

      Lois Bosatta

      Rights Lab Head of Business Development and Partnerships

      Rights Lab, University of Nottingham

      Lois Bosatta's Bio

      Lois Bosatta leads the Rights Lab’s business engagement and research impact. She works with all four of our research programmes on the design and delivery of research in collaboration with businesses and other business-engaged organisations. Her role includes the impact of research for the business community, and the application of Rights Lab research in business interventions; and co-developing research projects with external partners including Sainsbury’s, Government of Canada, and Moody’s Analytics. Lois is also a Trustee for the Adavu Project, a survivor support organisation based in the West Midlands. Before joining the Rights Lab, she completed the University of Nottingham MA in Slavery and Liberation.

      Martin Niblett

      Martin Niblett

      Head of the Modern Slavery Team

      Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO)

      Martin Neblitts's Bio

      Martin is currently Head of the Modern Slavery and Business and Human Rights Team in the UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) which delivers FCDO’s policy and programme commitments to reduce modern slavery and business-related human rights abuses. He was previously Deputy Head of the Protecting Children Hub and Senior Responsible Owner (SRO) for FCDO’s strategic relationship with UNICEF and the Commonwealth Secretariat. Prior to joining FCDO, Martin worked in international sports development working on major sporting events including the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games and the 2006 Melbourne Commonwealth Games. Earlier in his career he was Private Secretary to the Minister for Sport and Tourism.

      Itohan Okundaye

      Itohan Okundaye

      CEO and Founder

      Shinning Hope Foundation Against Human Trafficking

      Itohan Okundaye's Bio

      Itohan Okundaye is a human trafficking activist, advocate, public speaker, and consultant in Finland. She is a two-time member of the International Survivor’s advisory council and the CEO and founder of Shinning Hope Foundation Against Human Trafficking in Nigeria. 

      Malaika Oringo

      Malaika Oringo

      Founder and CEO

      Footprint to Freedom

      Malaika Oringo's Bio

      My name is Malaika Oringo, and I am an expert in Anti-Human Trafficking Advocacy and Survivor-Led Initiatives. I have been working in the anti-human trafficking field for more than 10 years.

      I am the founder of Footprint to Freedom, a survivor-led organization committed to emancipating victims and empowering survivors. I have also founded and co-founded various other initiatives aimed at amplifying survivor voices and fostering inclusion, such as Beyond Survivor and The African Survivor Coalition, which is currently scaling to 54 countries across Africa.

      In addition to my organizational work, I have worked with and consulted for different large organizations such as the UN, UNODC, The Salvation Army, OSCE, and Finance Against Slavery and Trafficking (FAST), providing strategic guidance in the fight against human trafficking on a global scale.

      Bukeni Waruzi

      Bukeni Waruzi

      Executive director

      Free the Slaves

      Bukeni Waruzi's Bio
      Bukeni Waruzi has helped put a Congolese warlord behind bars at the International Criminal Court (ICC), has helped women trafficked into domestic servitude in the Middle East, and has served as a human rights champion with American, European and African organizations for more than 20 years.

      As Executive Director of Free the Slaves, he works closely with the board, the global team and headquarters to provide strategic leadership and set a vision for one of the world’s most widely-known and respected anti-modern slavery organizations.

      Waruzi has documented human rights abuses, designed and implemented advocacy campaigns, made public presentations around the world, and trained hundreds of human rights advocates and activists in Africa, Asia, the Middle East and the Americas.

      Natasha Jung

      Natasha Jung

      | Policy & Programme Officer | Modern Slavery and Business and Human Rights |

      Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office

      Natasha Jung's Bio

      Natasha is a Policy & Programme Officer at the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO), and leads on work to help deliver the UK’s commitment to eradicating modern slavery and tackling business-related human right abuses.

      Natasha has held other policy advisory roles, including at the Department for Levelling Up, Housing, and Communities (DLUHC), carrying experience of working directly with key stakeholders and Ministers to help implement programmes and policy priorities. Prior to working in His Majesty’s Government, Natasha was in the Strategy & Research team at London & Partners, the Mayor of London’s economic development body. She was involved in work to help influence business, investment, and consumer incentives to choose London. Natasha also holds research experience from her time working with Bite The Ballot and ClearView Research, supporting campaign driven research projects on youth electoral participation.

      Vlad Bauer

      Vlad Bauer

      Financial Director


      Vlad Bauer's Bio

      With over 4 years helming the financial strategy at eLiberare, our team has empowered the organization to strike at the heart of human trafficking. My role as a CFO involves deploying sustainable business strategies and insightful management of ESG issues to bolster our mission’s effectiveness, with a focus on promoting clean supply chains and eradicating exploitation and human trafficking. By advocating for transparency and ethical practices throughout supply networks, I strive to create a world where businesses prioritize human rights and environmental stewardship.

      Leveraging problem-solving acumen and communication proficiency, I have fostered critical partnerships and ensured our financial integrity. The commitment to sustainable development and transparent operations has been the cornerstone of advancing eLiberare’s cause, with the help of certifications in HACCP, ISO 9001, and sustainable finance.

      I am committed to driving positive change and creating a lasting impact in the fight against human trafficking. I believe in the power of collaboration and innovative solutions to tackle this critical issue and build a brighter future for those affected. By championing clean supply chains and working tirelessly to eradicate exploitation, I aim to contribute to a more equitable and sustainable world.

      Abigail Monroe

      Abigail Monroe

      Senior Analyst

      Wak Free

      Abigail Monroe's Bio

      Abigail Munroe is a modern slavery Senior Policy and Research Analyst. at Walk Free – an international human rights group dedicated to the eradication of modern slavery.  

      Abi works across the organization’s research and impact portfolio, and project manages the Beyond Compliance project, assessing business responses to Modern Slavery legislation in the UK and Australia.  

      Abi holds a Master of Laws in International and European Human Rights Law and has worked in the fields of international child protection and anti-trafficking of children, as well as domestic violence policy in the UK