2016 Global Forum

The Freedom from Slavery Forum was designed to provide a place for leaders of the global anti-human trafficking and anti-slavery movement to come together, share and discuss best practices and lessons learned, identify gaps in the field, brainstorm new ideas, and build relationships with one another. Additionally, the Forum is meant to educate the public about this issue.

Accordingly, the 2016 Forum was a two-day event comprised of private meetings among anti-slavery experts, followed by a public panel discussion on the ways the electronics and fishing industries deal with issues of slavery and trafficking in their supply chains.

The Forum, an annual event in its fourth year, was designed with input from participants of the 2015 Forum along with the guidance of an Advisory Committee representing participating organizations. Four primary themes were prioritized for the 2016 Forum in order to make the agenda manageable; each theme had an associated working group of Forum participants who met throughout the spring, summer, and fall to design their topic’s session and prepare presentations on their group’s findings.

Forty-six leaders representing forty-five different organizations attended the Forum to discuss the state of the anti-trafficking field as well as four major, thematic priorities:


  • The State of the Field
  • Professional Standards and Norms
  • Evidence and Measurement
  • Global Professional Society