Thank you for registering for the 2024 Caribbean Regional Forum.

  1. The Forum will be held from May 20-22, 2024 at the Pegasus Hotel in Kingston Jamaica.
  2. We recommend booking a room at Pegasus Hotel, in Kingston, Jamaica 
  3. Book your flights to Norman Manley International Airport in Kingston, Jamaica.
  4. Watch for upcoming announcements on social media and in the forum email newsletter on speakers and conference activities.
  1. Airfare to the conference from your location – Book your flights to Norman Manley International Airport, Kingston Jamaica.
  2. Hotel – Pegasus Hotel (We have secured a room rate of $154 per day for the conference. Tell the hotel you are with the Caribbean Regional Forum to get the discounted room rate.)
  3. Lunch and snacks will be provided.
  4. Dinner will not be covered by Free The Slaves
Airport to fly into: Norman Manley International Airport, Kingston Jamaica.

Questions about the Forum can be sent to

More information will be coming by email and added to this page as the dates get closer.

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