Actionable Justice: Implementing Effective Strategies and Raising Awareness to Combat Human Trafficking

2024 Africa Regional Freedom from Slavery Forum

Human trafficking remains a severe global issue, affecting millions of people across continents. Africa, with its complex socio-economic dynamics, has witnessed a surge in trafficking activities, driven by poverty, conflict, climate change, inadequate government responses, and many other interconnected and reinforcing factors. Moreover, this region continues to grapple with socio-political forces that exacerbate the vulnerability of large segments of the population and create conditions wherein those responsible for gross human rights violations such as child labor, forced labor and human trafficking, go unpunished.

These modern forms of slavery are so pervasive and, in many instances, embedded in the cultural and traditional practices of many African nations, that they have been allowed to carry on unchecked for decades. For example, domestic servitude, especially involving minors, forced marriages, and debt bondage, are widely accepted practices in many countries that are often overlooked by legislators, social protection agencies and law enforcement alike. Not only do governments across Africa often fail to enact legislation to protect the vulnerable, and/or punish the perpetrators of these human rights violations, in the few instances where laws are enacted, enforcement is often lackluster. Thus, justice, for many victims and survivors of modern slavery across Africa, is an elusive and almost abstract concept.

It is within this context that the 2024 Africa Regional Forum will be held under the theme: Actionable Justice: Implementing Effective Strategies and Raising Awareness to Combat Human Trafficking.

Why Attend?

The 2024 Africa Regional Forum aims to operationalize the concept of “Actionable Justice” within the African anti-modern slavery movement. This concept emphasizes that justice is multi-dimensional and can be achieved through pragmatic, inclusive approaches that extend beyond government actions.

In the anti-modern slavery movement, the definition of justice varies widely among stakeholders. For some, justice means implementing adequate punitive measures for perpetrators. For others, it involves providing long-term, comprehensive reintegration services for survivors. Justice can also be seen as the elimination of structural barriers to equality, such as poverty alleviation measures that reduce vulnerability. Furthermore, protecting groups who are marginalized and criminalized based on their identity is a critical aspect of justice that is often lacking in the region.

The forum will seek to gather the diverse perspectives of justice within the African anti-modern slavery movement to develop a common framework. This framework aims to drive a more cohesive response mechanism across the continent. Furthermore, the Freedom from Slavery Africa Regional Forum aims to galvanize action among stakeholders; governments, NGOs, businesses, civil society, and survivors, to facilitate the development of an action plan that activates justice in the prevention of modern slavery, the protection of victims and the prosecution of perpetrators. That is a plan to achieve Actionable Justice that encapsulates practical approaches to achieve tangible results that, at a minimum, protect those at risk of exploitation, diminishes vulnerability, restores personhood to survivors, punishes bad actors, and holds governments accountable.

The forum represents a critical step forward in the fight against human trafficking in Africa. Through collaborative efforts and shared knowledge, we aim to forge pathways towards a just and humane society free of slavery.

THEME: Actionable Justice: Implementing Effective Strategies and Raising Awareness to Combat Human Trafficking 

July 23-25, 2024
Zoom Webinar

|11am Accra, Ghana(GMT)| 12pm Younde,Cameroon (WAT)| 1pm Capetown,  South Africa (SAST)| 2pm Nairobi, Kenya(EAT)|


Day 1: July 23

11 am – 11:10 am (GMT): Welcome and Opening Remarks

11:10 am – 11: 25 am (GMT) : Keynote Speech: Actionable Justice: What Does it Look Like in Africa

11:25 am – 11:45 am (GMT): Presentation: Reflecting on  the Numbers: What are the Emerging Trends in Human Trafficking in Africa

11: 45 am – 12: 45 pm (GMT): PANEL DISCUSSION 1 – What is Stopping Us?: Identifying Critical Gaps in the Prevention of Human Trafficking in Africa.

12:45 pm – 12:55 pm (GMT): Q&A 

12:55 pm – 1: 55 pm (GMT): PANEL DISCUSSION 2: Safeguarding Victims of Trafficking: Evaluating Policies for the Protection of Victims of Human Trafficking in Africa.

  • A comprehensive review of regional protection policies and their impact

1:55 pm – 2:05 pm (GMT) Q&A Session

2:05 pm – 2:35 pm (GMT) Working Groups: Closing the Gaps: Identifying Critical Steps to Address Gaps in Prevention and Protection of Human Trafficking in the Region.

Group 1: Children

Group 2: LGBTQ+

Group 3: Persons with Disabilities

Group 4: Ethnic Groups


2:35 pm – 2:45 pm (GMT): Reporting Back


2:45 pm – 2:50 pm (GMT): Reporting Back


Day 2: July 24

11:00 am – 11: 05 am (GMT): Welcome Back

11:05 am – 11:25 am (GMT): Keynote Speech: Where are we regarding anti-human trafficking policies in Africa? Where are the gaps?

11:25 am – 11:50 am (GMT): Presentation: Prosecution of Trafficking Cases.

  • What is the process of prosecuting cases? What are the Challenges?

11:50 am – 12:50 pm (GMT): PANEL DISCUSSION 3: The Impact of Legislation Targets Vulnerable Groups in Africa

  • (LGBTQ, Children, Persons with Disabilities, Migrants)

12:50 pm – 1:00 pm (GMT): Q&A Session

1:00 pm – 1:30 pm (GMT): Working Groups: Closing the Gaps: Identifying Critical Steps to Address Gaps in the Human Trafficking Legislation in Africa and Enforcement in Africa.

1:30 pm – 1:50 pm (GMT): Reporting Back

1:50 pm – 2:20 pm (GMT): Leveraging partnerships for more effective legislation and enforcement in the region

2:20 pm – 2:30 pm (GMT): Q&A Session

2:30 pm – 3:30 pm (GMT): Building a movement narrative

3:30 pm – 3:35 pm (GMT) Wrap Up

Day 3: July 25

11:00 am – 11:05 am (GMT): Welcome Back

11:05 am – 11: 25 am (GMT): Opening Remarks: The Importance of Survivor Engagement in Achieving Actionable Justice 

11:45 am – 12:30 pm (GMT): Presentation A: Moving Toward Actionable Justice Through Effective Survivor Engagement: Lessons Learned

11:45 am – 12:30 pm (GMT): Presentation B: Survivor Engagement Policy Research

11:45 am – 12:30 pm (GMT):Presentation C: Survivor Leadership Academy

11:45 am – 12:30 pm (GMT): Presentation D: Survivor Engagement in West Africa

12:30 pm – 12:50 pm (GMT) Q&A

12:50 pm – 1:10 pm (GMT): Facilitated Discussion: Whats Next for Africa

1:10 pm – 1:20 pm (GMT) Closing Remarks

2024 European Forum Planning Committee



Emmanuel World Children Foundation


Adaramola Sunday Emmanuel is a social worker of 26 years working with vulnerable children, children in need of special protection, young adult and their care giver. The founder and Executive Director of Emmanuel World Children Foundation, an NGO established with the head office in Ikota Community, Ondo state Nigeria.

He works among children led to the establishment of EWCF which has 6 key areas including , The Ark Children Home which provides shelter for orphans, street kids, victim of human trafficking and other classes of vulnerable children and ladies; People supporting people which serves as a link between people who has needs and the people who are in need especially the poor in rural communities; Anti human trafficking which has facilitate the rescue, reintegration and rehabilitation of more than 2000 victims; Teenage mentorship -The boys talk for boys and Girls affairs forum for girls; department of capacity development for care givers and Rural community mobilization for development which mobilizes rural areas for self-development.

He is the immediate past president of National President of Network of CSOs against child trafficking, Abuse and Labour (NACTAL) and the technical lead for West Africa Civil Society forum against TIP and SOM (WACTIPSOM). A board member of the Ondo state agency against gender Based Violence. A TV presenter of the program titles Child’s rights today, a trainer and speaker per excellence. His dream is to complete the ongoing 50 bed capacity rooms and vocational training center for street kids.

Bernadette Agano

Bernadette Agano

Free the Slaves


Bernadette is a young woman whose resilience and determination in her fight against exploitation and human trafficking, as well as in her commitment to women’s rights is a way of life. A mother of two boys, she transformed her traumatic experiences into a driving force for change in her community and beyond.  A survivor of sexual exploitation and human trafficking, Bernadette is committed to fighting these scourges that destroy lives and break up families. As a women’s rights activist, she fights for justice and equality, providing a voice to those who are often silenced.   Alongside her activism, Bernadette is a professional musical artist, using her talent and creativity to raise awareness and inspire. Her music is a powerful way to share messages of hope, resistance and solidarity with those who have experienced situations similar to hers.  As an entrepreneur, Bernadette manages a training center for professions such as makeup, hairdressing and fashion. It thus offers training and employment opportunities to often marginalized people, allowing them to regain their dignity and economic independence. 

 Bernadette not only trains survivors, she also is a leader and representative within the National Task Force for Alliance 8.7, as part of the roadmap for the elimination of child labor, modern slavery, human trafficking and forced labor in the DRC. 

 As DRC Program Manager for Free the Slaves, Bernadette coordinates efforts to combat modern slavery in the Democratic Republic of Congo and to support survivors in their social and economic reintegration.  Bernadette is an inspiring example of a Survivor Leader. Her determination to advance the cause of women’s rights and combat human exploitation and trafficking leaves a profound impact in her community and beyond. 

Evans Munga

Evans Munga

Terre des Hommes Netherlands.


Evans Munga is a Child protection specialist,Program development expert and researcher with over 10 years of active practice. Evans is a program Manager at Terre des Hommes Netherlands. Terre des Hommes Netherlands (TdH NL) is an international non-governmental organization committed to stopping child exploitation. Our mission is to protect children by preventing and stopping child exploitation, and by empowering children to make their voices count. Our vision is that children can flourish in a world free of all forms of exploitation. Our vision and mission are inspired and guided by international human rights instruments and standards, in particular the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Council of Europe’s Lanzarote Convention, the International Labour Organisation Conventions and aligned with achievement of the SDGs, in particular Goals 5, 8 and 16. In 2022, Terre des Hommes Netherlands launched its 2023-2030 Listen up! Strategy with the aim of creating systemic change that addresses the root causes of child exploitation.

We will achieve this by empowering children and their communities, connecting them with those who have power to enact change, engaging in lobby & advocacy campaigns, working with partners to build resilience of children, families and communities and utilizing our knowledge and expertise to co-create sustainable, evidence-based solutions. On the African continent, TdH NL works in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Ethiopia and Madagascar. In these countries, TdH NL develops and implements programs in close collaboration with local partner organizations. In Kenya, TdH NL programmes are implemented in Central, Rift Valley, Coastal, Western and Northern regions of Kenya where we work with communities, government, private sector, civil society organizations and children themselves, at the centre, to address systemic and structural drivers that expose children to exploitation.Evans manages Action against Child labour project in kenya and,The anti-human trafficking communication strategy project which is under Better migration programe (BMM III) at TdH NL.Evans doubles up as the Kenya´s CSOs coordinator for all CSOs in the Anti-human trafficking and unsafe migration space in kenya. Evans is Kenyan and holds a Masters in Leadership and management from DePaul University Chicago USA, Evans is a certified Project management practitioner (PMP, PMI Certified), B.A. degree in development studies.

Evans is a Paul Harris Fellow, Given by the rotary club District 5950 Minnesota(MN) for humanitarian support services.Evans is TWG member at the counter trafficking in person secretariat in kenya under the ministry of labour and social protection ,Directorate of children services kenya. and a TWG member on Child labour in teh ministry of labour and social protection ,state department for labour and skills development. I have previously been a programs Manager with African Child Rights Organization (ANPPCAN RO) African Network for the prevention and protection against Child abuse and Neglect at the Regional Office. In development practice, Mr. Evans Munga has over 10 years of practical experience in the humanitarian and development field having worked in child protection and as a consultant and implementing programs with TdH-NL,Plan International, Save the Children, UNICEF and E.U programs. Evans as a consultant and has worked on Standard operation procedures on managing School-related gender-based violence with GVRC and TSC, worked in theTechnical working group for both National plan of action on Combating Human Trafficking and TWG on National Child protection Case management and referral guidelines.

While working with other consultants, Evans, worked on the evaluation of the International Solidarity Foundation (ISF) ant-GBV and ant-FGM projects in Kisii and Nyamira counties (April 2021-September 2021.) While working with other consultants, Evans, worked on the baseline survey on i2i Plan international Project on disability and inclusion within Nairobi county (March –April 2021) While working with other consultants, Evans, worked on the End Term evaluation of GBV-DANIDA PROJECT that was being implemented in 11 counties GVRC namely, Nairobi, Kajiado, Nyeri, Nakuru, Homabay, Makueni, Uasin Gishu, Kwale, Kisii, Kwale  and Meru (October –2020 January 2021)Evans, working with other consultants, worked on a position paper titled “Strengthening anti-child trafficking and child sexual exploitation interventions in Eastern African Region” to the Africa committee of experts on the rights and welfare of the child. Courtesy of EACRN Secretariat, Nairobi, Kenya. Position Release Date  15th Oct, 2020 Evans, working with other consultants, worked on a Policy brief | Impact of COVID 19 on Child Trafficking and Child Sexual Exploitation within the Eastern African Region” to the Africa committee of experts on the rights and welfare of the child. Courtesy of EACRN Secretariat, Nairobi, Kenya. Position Release Date 15th Oct, 2020 He is a Paul Harris Fellow, Given by the rotary club District 5950 for humanitarian support services. His experience spans program development/ management, Resource mobilization partnership development and capacity building, program operations, Research and M&E. He has a wide breadth of thematic expertise on issues of child rights and livelihoods, Human Trafficking and unsafe migration, OVCs, Sexual reproductive  health and Gender advocacy.

Brenda Odhiambo

Brenda Odhiambo

HAART Survivor Advisory Board


I aspire to create safe spaces for survivors that inspire unity in the fight against human trafficking. My role as a survivor advocate, a researcher, and speaker on both Kenyan media and international conferences allows me to contribute to this cause. I am honored to be a nominated member of the HAART Survivor Advisory Board and hold a Survivor Leader certificate from the Survivor Leader- ship Academy, sponsored by Free the Slaves and Survivor Network Cameroon.



Survivors’ Network SN Cameroon/Africa


NGWEPEKEM EUNICE FOLOH is a survivor of Human Trafficking and a survivor Leader / Advocate based in Cameroon. She works with Survivors’ Network SN Cameroon/ Africa as the Executive Assistant / Human Resource Officer and the Case manager of the organization where she manages survivors of all kind, helping and supporting them get over their experiences and ensuring their smooth integration in to the society. She is passionate about survivors’ reintegration, empowerment and engagement in the fight against modern slavery. She does a lot of Awareness and Sensitization on Human Trafficking in her community and beyond, carry out economic empowerment programs as well as vocational training skills services to Survivors, Refugees, Internally Displaced Persons and the vulnerable population, all in a bit to prevent Human Trafficking. She also works with survivors across Africa where she co-founded the Survivor Leadership Academy which had its first cohort in 2023, training survivors to become survivor leaders/ advocates of Human Trafficking.  

She is a member of the African Survivor Coalition, Survivor Alliance, Commonwealth 8.7 Network, Sexual Assault Advocacy Network and a YALI Alumnae.

Wanja (Patriciah) Kimani

Wanja (Patriciah) Kimani

Counter trafficking consultant


Wanja (Patriciah) Kimani
I am a relentless changemaker who believes that everyone has a role to play in mitigating global crises. I fell prey to traffickers in my search for funds to complete my Bachelor of Education degree. Returning to Kenya from Saudi Arabia alive was a wake-up call for me. The harrowing experience in Saudi Arabia now inspires me to propose practical, lifelong solutions to combat human trafficking issues. In this regard, I am currently active member in Kenya’s Alliance 8.7 survivor leaders steering committee. In addition, I am a researcher, seasoned writer, avid reader, published author, charis- matic founder, and life coach. Since then, I have taken several online courses, through which I have become a renowned count- er-trafficking consultant.

Shivan Pavin Alungnat

Shivan Pavin Alungnat

Africa Nalia


Shivan Pavin Alungnat, better known as Shivanah, stands as a prominent figure in Uganda’s LBQ movement. Her unwavering dedication is evident in her roles as a passionate queer Ugandan activist, feminist, survivor leader/advocate, and a research consultant deeply engaged in the battle against human trafficking. A creative artivist that uses different mediums of art for advocacy, including social media where she addresses various social issues and human rights. She is also the founder of Africa Nalia a queer survivor-led organization. 



International Organization for Migration (IOM)


Valeria is Italian and holds a Master Degree in Food Science & Technology. She has 23 years of working experience with leading international development organizations in several countries Cambodia, Guinea Bissau, Senegal, Mozambique, Ivory Coast, South Sudan, Haiti, Central African Republic, Niger. Valeria is a seasoned manager and M&E consultant, been involved in designing, implementing, managing, monitoring and evaluating project manly of community stabilization, DDR, community violence reduction, community economy revitalization, entrepreneurship and job placement. She is now Program manager of the EUTF and Chief of Mission at interim for the International Organization for Migration (IOM) Valeria loves cultural behaviors and conflict prevention studies, while travelling and reading are her major pleasure.

Jackline Mwende

Jackline Mwende

Free the Slaves


Jackline Mwende is a pan-African feminist and human rights advocate with an impressive track record spanning over a decade across Africa, Europe, and North America. She specializes in human trafficking, labor migration, and gender issues, focusing on movement building and the engagement of survivors in her work. Mwende has played pivotal roles in high-impact projects, including her consultancy with the African Union and the German Government on the Africa-Europe Action Plan to Combat Trafficking of Persons, Especially Women and Children. Her commitment to survivor engagement is exemplified by her involvement in a critical campaign against the sexual exploitation of children in detention centers with the Center for Children Law and Policy in Washington D.C. Additionally, her work with WITNESS in New York City has been central to advocating for human rights and justice. 

In Keya, Mwende’s expertise fueled initiatives such as the International Labor Organization’s project on the elimination of child labor and the U.K. Department for International Development’s efforts to use education and sports as tools against child marriages and sexual exploitation in coastal regions. 

Her efforts to advance gender equality continued with Equality in Tourism U.K., and her consultancy work with Women Deliver has further solidified her status as a key influencer in global gender issues. Mwende’s dedication to human rights and survivor empowerment is recognized through numerous academic and professional accolades. She holds advanced degrees in human rights law and policy, underscoring her deep commitment to combating human trafficking and enhancing survivor participation in movement building.

Linda Kola Odeko

Linda Kola Odeko

IOM Kenya


Linda Kola Odeko IOM Kenya: Championing Resilience and Combating Human Trafficking 

Linda Kola Odekoa serves as a Resilience Officer with an extensive background in human rights advocacy, community development, and migrant protection and assistance. Her role places her at the forefront of initiatives designed to strengthen communities against various forms of exploitation and abuse, particularly human trafficking. 

As a committee member organizing activities for the World Day Against Trafficking in Persons 2024, Linda brings her expertise and unwavering commitment to the global fight against human trafficking. Her work involves coordinating efforts to raise awareness, support survivors, and promote preventive measures against trafficking. Linda’s strategic approach integrates community resilience-building, education, and policy advocacy, ensuring a comprehensive response to this pervasive issue. 

With over a decade of experience, Linda has spearheaded numerous successful projects aimed at protecting vulnerable populations and enhancing their capacity to withstand and recover from adversities. Her leadership in these initiatives has earned her recognition both locally and internationally, establishing her as a trusted voice in the field of human rights and resilience. 

Linda holds a Master’s degree in Governance, and her academic background underscores her practical work, allowing her to bridge the gap between theory and real-world application. Her passion for justice and her relentless pursuit of a world free from exploitation fuel her efforts on the World Day Against Trafficking in Persons 2024 committee. 

Through her dedication, Linda Kola Odekoa continues to inspire and mobilize communities and stakeholders, making significant strides toward a safer, more resilient world for all.